Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Qualia as a product of evolution

I was thinking about how strange it is that we only perceive a small section of EM radiation, while the rest of the spectrum produces a very different qualia and effect. We develop awareness of the specific environment we are exposed to. Qualia is a result of the process of evolution applied to the brain. It is the most efficient way to allow living things to navigate an environment quickly to ensure survival and reproduction. Even something like the perspective grid and depth with which we see the world is probably just the most efficient way to provide quick input to a living thing to allow it to grab or avoid things.

So anyway I thought of this cool dialog between an alien and a human, because I think it's interesting to examine our qualia (experience), not from the point of view of taking it for granted as "reality", but from the wider perspective of qualia as a phenomenon in living things.
"So, your species experiences electromagnetic radiation as this thing you call 'color' ??"
"Yes, it's a delightful range of different color perceptions. If you move the dial and change the light frequency, I will see different things"
"OK, let me turn it up a little more, all the way to this big line here. What is that?"
"Oh, no, that's X-ray. Destroys your cells. Turn it down".
"OK, all the way down to this other line, what is this?"
"That's microwave radiation. It cooks you alive".
"So this narrow range in between you experience as 'color' and everything around it you don't perceive at all, but it kills you?
With such a different perceptual experience of the same phenomenon, I'm surprised you found out it's the same thing at all"
"yep, we found out through perception of the narrow range which is what we call 'visible' "
"So sight is a species-specific experience"
"Right. Some species perceive pressure instead of color."

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